28 August 2013

Detox Water

I was at a friend's house last week when she went to her fridge and bought out some home-made detox water.  I asked her about it and she said that she had found loads of posts on Pinterest (www.pinterest.com) about different recipes and decided to try it.

So, copying her, that's what I did.  I Googled different recipes that used different ingredients to give you a different outcome and thought I would try one.

I read that detox water is meant to flush out any impurities in the body and therefore making your body more healthy as a whole and I'm always trying out different things to make me more healthy - I've tried drinking litres of water, exercising, yoga, meditation, vitamins and cutting out parts of my diet such as chocolate (that did not last long) - and so this is another one of my attempts!

Lemon is also a major part of trying to keep healthy as it helps digestion, increases the immune system, helps keep the skin healthy and, of course, acts as a natural detox.

Below is the recipe that I used (I kind of made one up and based it on my friends one) but there are so many out on the internet that I really want to try and so I'm going to link them below!

My Detox Water

Ingredients: Raspberries, Lemon, Fresh Mint, Water

- Fill up a large jug with cold drinking water
- Wash the raspberries and add to the water (the amount depends on preference, I added the whole punnet)
- Slice the lemon into thin slices and into chunks to give more flavour and add to the water (again, the amount depends on preference, I used about 3/4 of a lemon)
- Break off a couple of handfuls of fresh mint and rinse under water and add this to the water (amount depends on preference)
- Then mix all the ingredients, trying not to break any up and store in the fridge
- It is best to leave the jug in the fridge overnight so that all the ingredients diffuse into the water
- Top up the jug every time water is taken from it - this will keep it fresh

- I will probably change the ingredients after a week or so, depending on if they're fresh or not!

My water tastes more lemony and minty rather than like the raspberries but I wouldn't change the amount of ingredients I put in - it's so nice and fresh!

And so far so good.  I'm trying to not drink as many fizzy drinks and only drink water, the detox water, tea and green tea!

Here are some more recipes that I want to try in the future!

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1 comment:

  1. I'll definitely be trying this! I'm just the same, trying all sorts to be that little bit healthier, but chocolate and crisps can never be put aside... haha. x

    Danielle · danielletc.com


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