Calling all stressed third year students! Whilst sitting in the library slaving away at your 10,000 word report, don't you think back to the days where you went round to your grandparent's house and sat colouring in pictures for hours? Well I sure do! There was a special drawer at my Gran and Grandad's house that was filled with colouring books (obviously me and my sister had separate ones) and countless colouring pencils. How times change....or so I thought!
Recently, a craze has developed consisting of 'adult' colouring books. Now, when I first heard the term 'adult colouring books' something very interesting came to mind - something that I did not want to take part in! However, I came home one day and my mum had kindly bought me one of these books, along with a whole new pack of pencils.
Now, if you don't own one of these colouring books, GO AND BUY ONE. I was under strict instructions to only do it when trying to relax - not instead of my dissertation. But my god do they relax you.
I think I spent about two hours colouring in the picture below and I just got completely lost in it. Who would have thought a 21 year old could still enjoy the simple pleasure of colouring within the lines?!